#NoEstimates: Between Numbers and Reality
One of the challenges faced by today’s agile teams is estimating effort and time spent on tasks. Traditional methods often require significant effort and have quickly been replaced by complex algorithms or simpler…
Is the leader truly the most important figure? – How to create a Wave of Change
It’s commonly believed that the leader is the most important. They lead the entire group and set the work rhythm for the whole team. Often, they make key decisions, even on a directional…
What’s the deal with the Sprint Goal?
The Sprint Goal? Necessary? Or problematic? What should it be like? Should every team member be involved? These are just a few questions that begin to emerge after working with the Scrum framework…
Nowy rok 2023 – czas wystartować z blogiem
Minął już ponad rok odkąd planowałam wystartować z planem stworzenia bloga o tematyce związanej z moją pasją, czyli o Scrum’ie, zespołach zwinnych, o pracy Scrum Mastera, czy Product Ownera. Mijał czas, a ja…